Concert Terms & Conditions

All Tickets are sold subject to the Conditions. Please read the Conditions carefully before purchase and raise any queries with GEOWISE MEDIA before purchase.

Your purchase of a Ticket constitutes your acceptance of the condition.

  1. The price paid for the tickets is non-refundable. GEOWISE MEDIA is not liable for any forgery, duplication or otherwise tampering of tickets or loss of tickets before or during the event. Any person seeking to use a void/duplicated Ticket may be refused entry to, or ejected from, the concert without refund, and may be subject to legal action.
  2. Personal arrangements including travel, subsistence, hospitality or accommodation relating to the Event which have been arranged by you are at your own risk. GEOWISE MEDIA shall not be liable for any loss of enjoyment or wasted expenditure.
  3. You must produce a valid Ticket to gain access to the Concert and you must always keep possession of such Ticket during the Event. Your Ticket may be invalidated if any part of it is removed, altered or defaced.
  4. You give your express consent to your actual or simulated likeness to be included for no fee within any film, photograph, audio and/or audiovisual recording to be exploited in any and all media for any purpose at any time throughout the world. This includes filming by the police or security staff which may be carried out for the security of customers or the prevention of crime.
  5. Tickets cannot be exchanged or refunded unless the performance is cancelled, rescheduled or where there is a material change to the programme of the event. A ‘material’ change is a change which, in GEOWISE MEDIA’s reasonable opinion, makes the Event materially different to the Event that purchasers of the Ticket, taken generally, could reasonably expect. Please note that the following are not deemed to be a ‘material’ change: adverse weather conditions; changes of any supporting act; changes to key performing individual members of a band; curtailment of the event where the majority of an event is performed in full; and delays to the starting of the performance of an event.
  6. GEOWISE MEDIA reserves the right to alter the price of any ticket at its sole discretion. If you have already purchased a ticket to an Event and a cheaper ticket becomes available, GEOWISE MEDIA will be under no obligation to refund any portion of the ticket purchased at the initial price.
  7. Prolonged exposure to loud sound may cause damage to your ears.
  8. There may be flash photography and lighting.
  9. Alcohol is not for sale to persons below the age of 18 years.
  10. GEOWISE MEDIA reserves the right to refuse you entry to and/or eject you from the Concert (and may take appropriate action to enforce this right) in reasonable circumstances. No refunds will be given to you if you are refused entry or ejected due to your own behaviour.
  11. GEOWISE MEDIA reserves the right to conduct security searches and confiscate any item which in the opinion of GEOWISE MEDIA may cause danger or disruption to other persons at the concert.
  12. You shall not bring all or any of the following into the Venue: (a) smoking materials, (b) laser pens, (c) animals (except guide dogs), (d) Your own food and drink (unless permitted by the Venue), (e) bottles, cans or glass containers (unless permitted by the Venue), (f) any item which may be interpreted as a weapon (including sharp or pointed objects such as knives), or (g) illegal substances. Notwithstanding anything else in the Conditions, GEOWISE MEDIA shall not be liable for any loss, theft or damage to confiscated items.
  13. You must comply with any and all instructions given to you by GEOWISE MEDIA stewards and staff.
  14. In no event shall GEOWISE MEDIA, its affiliates or any of its respective Directors, employees or agents be liable for any loss, injury or damage to any person (including yourself) or property however caused; and this includes any direct, special, incidental, consequential, exemplary or punitive damages arising from any intentional, negligent or reckless actions of any person during the concert.
  15. GEOWISE MEDIA reserves the right to allow audience members to stand in seated areas of the Venue.
  16. You must not leave any bags or other items of personal property unattended in the Venue. GEOWISE MEDIA reserves the right to confiscate any abandoned items and dispose of them without any liability to you.
  17. You hereby allow GEOWISE MEDIA to collect your personal data. Except to the extent that GEOWISE MEDIA is required or permitted by law to do otherwise, personal information provided by you to GEOWISE MEDIA will only be used in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2019 and any consents given by you in relation to your personal information.
  18. “Force Majeure” means any cause beyond GEOWISE MEDIA’s control including, without limitation, act of God, war, insurrection, riot, civil disturbances, acts of terrorism, fire, explosion, flood, epidemic and/or pandemic, national mourning, theft of essential equipment, malicious damage, strike, lock out, weather, third party injunction, national defence requirements, acts or regulations of national or local governments. GEOWISE MEDIA will not be liable to you for failure to perform any obligation under the Conditions to the extent that the failure is caused by Force Majeure.
  19. Any person, other than GEOWISE MEDIA, who is not a party to the Terms and Conditions shall have no rights to enforce any term of the Terms and Conditions.
  20. Tickets are sold subject to GEOWISE MEDIA’s right to alter the advertised Event as may reasonably be necessary. GEOWISE MEDIA shall not be liable in event the Event is cancelled.
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